About Us: The Safety Step Canada Story

Started from humble beginnings when in 2008 owner Kevin Wood was victim to a slip and fall incident on a wet floor while cleaning carpets for a local client of his Nova Scotia cleaning & restoration business, Knight Kare Cleaning & Restoration www.knightkare.com.

This accident, and the awareness of how widespread and serious slip and fall accidents had become within Canada, prompted Kevin to bring to market new and effective solutions to combat the problem.

Kevin D. Wood, President

In 2009 he added Anti-Slip Floor Treatments to his line of services in Knight Kare and began offering those services across Atlantic Canada for large restaurants, hotel chains, and commercial and residential properties. Very quickly it became clear that the market required even further anti-slip products to prevent accidental injury on stairs, walkways, and ladders, particularly within the industrial sector where little was being offered. After searching extensively through the international market, Kevin has identified the most reputable manufacturers of the highest performing and highest quality anti-slip products and has now brought those products to Canada.

Something special happens when a company remains based around the original participants who over the years have sweated blood for the business and done every possible task within that company; innovating the products, doing the marketing, the face-to-face selling, and often working late and long to make the products that they then installed themselves. You know you are going to get the right deal when promises made during the sales meeting are backed by a genuine and deep understanding of the products; an understanding that can only be achieved when guarantees made are based on years of personal involvement with the design and manufacture of the product you are going to buy.

Put simply, Safety Step Canada now has the knowledge, the experience, and the best products to assist you to implement end-to-end pedestrian safety systems that will minimize slip and fall accidents while also facilitating the fast and orderly evacuation of pedestrians during lights out and emergency conditions. You have our personal guarantee on that.

Our Mission: To make as many places safe to live and work in as we can.

At Safety Step Canada we all come to work every day because we want to help solve a very big problem – Slips and Falls. This problem, which has always been around, had no clear solutions until recently. With the invention of better, more affordable anti-slip products, the solution is now within everyone’s reach.

At Safety Step Canada we want to make your home or workplace environment a safer place. For that reason, we provide the most durable and reliable, yet affordable, products in the industry. We know good business relationships come from the collaboration of good products and great service, and we value your informed decision in choosing us and our great products. We are excited to learn about you, help you succeed, and make something beautiful together.